Monday, May 31, 2010

Muskoka and Almaguin Highlands Wildlife and Nature Holiday

In May Muskoka and The Almaguin Highlands starts to show its spring beauty.  When I get in my car to go anywhere I love to see what is hanging out at the side of the road or in the bushes.  Just over the past week in the month of May I have seen at least 5 Snapping Turtles, 2 Moose, Ground Hogs, Rabbits with baby Bunnies, Deer, Grouse with 5 babies and a Heron Bird.  I feel so lucky to go outside everyday and enjoy natural beauty. 
I completely understand why so many people want to spend their vacation up north and enjoy peace and quiet.  The city life, work life and kids make the world a busy place and sometimes we all need to get away and just sit back and enjoy life. 
You may not be the kind of person to go north but you should  try it sometime.  I have enjoyed the city life for many years and I have some fantastic memories but I must say I enjoy Ontario Cottage Life so much more.  I hope everyone at some point goes north of Toronto just once to experience what I am talking about.  Choose from a wide variety of rentals like cottage resorts, hotels, private cottages, motels, bed and breakfast, muskoka cottage rentals and campgrounds.
Contact Danette Evely at Sand Lake Cottages & Inn for things to do in Muskoka and the Almaguin Highlands.